What is a false alarms?

A false alarm is most commonly defined by the police departments as any alarm signal which elicits a response where no actual emergency exists. The key word is response. If a response by police does not occur, that is if the alarm is canceled before they are called or actually arrive, no report is written and no citation is given.

This is important because this is the primary opportunity for alarm users to prevent costly fines from alarm signals caused in error.

What cause false alarms?

Up to 98% of all alarm signals are false. Of that figure, 76% are caused by user error. That is, accidents in setting the system improperly or not properly securing the building prior to setting the system. Equipment malfunction (alarm) accounts for approximately 10% of the total false alarms, and weather, phone line problems account for the remaining 14% of all false alarms.

What can be done to prevent false alarms?

False Alarm Prevention Checklist

No Password = Police Dispatch

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